Meat Rabbit Processing Course

The Kind, Easy Way to Harvest Homegrown Rabbits for Dinner
(Even if you don’t think you have what it takes)
Are you planning to get meat rabbits, but intimidated by the butchering process?
Or have cages of fryers waiting to be processed, but keep finding excuses so you don’t have to do what needs to be done?
Maybe you’ve already butchered rabbits with mishaps or less than desirable results
or lay awake at night wondering if your dispatch method is really humane…
Butchering an animal is the biggest hurdle you need to overcome to raise healthy meat for your family. It was that hardest thing for me to come to terms with. I loved animals. Could I really kill an animal that I had raised? I was nervous about processing and afraid I would do it wrong. I just wanted someone to take me by the hand and show me how to dress out a rabbit… Sound familiar?
Hi, I’m Alyssa – a Homesteader, Mom, and Meat Rabbit Raiser
I teach backyard homesteaders how to raise meat rabbits so they can confidently produce wholesome, healthy meat for their family. I’ve been raising meat rabbits for over 10 years.

Before getting meat rabbits, I visualized myself raising the bunnies and my husband butchering them. But in reality, he worked long hours and didn’t have the freedom or daylight hours to do so. I realized it was up to me. If we were going to raise rabbits to feed our family, I needed to learn how to butcher a rabbit myself.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find anyone to teach me. So, I watched some videos on YouTube and picked a method. I purchased a live fryer rabbit from a local breeder and butchered it with a little moral support from a friend.
“Butchered” is a good description of my first attempt. I made lots of mistakes and the resulting meat had a bit of an aftertaste (probably due to adrenaline from my botched dispatch). I felt horrible that the rabbit had suffered needlessly due to my inexperience. I resolved then and there that if I was going to raise rabbits to feed my family, I needed to find a dispatch method that was as fast and humane as humanly possible.
I spent hours researching scientific studies and humane techniques. I discovered that some methods people think are humane are actually the opposite. Other approaches require specialized equipment with price tags far out of my budget. After some trial and error, I developed a fast, humane dispatch method that is mimimally stressful for me and the rabbit – using a simple tool that costs less than $2. It works every time and I have never had a botched job since. The rabbit is happy one moment, gone the next. Instant lights out.
I made a promise to myself that I would do whatever I could to help others who were getting started on this journey – to support them and be the guiding mentor I wished I had all those years ago. As such, I have distilled my experiences and butchering knowledge into a comprehensive course that you can complete in about an hour. No fluff, just simple actionable information. You don’t have to do this alone. Let me walk you through every step of the process with a voice of experience and reassurance.
Introducing The Complete Meat Rabbit Processing Course!

This course is filled with time-saving tips and tricks gleaned from years of hands-on experience raising meat rabbits. Harvesting a rabbit is fast and easy, but anxiety and fear can keep you from moving forward.
This course will give you the tools and confidence you need. With a little practice, you will be able to clean a rabbit in about 10 minutes.
Our Meat Rabbit Processing Course includes…
- The simplest, most humane dispatch method – so you can avoid beginner mistakes that cause unnecessary pain and suffering. The “Broomstick Method” is considered humane with 2 small tweaks (Hint: Don’t use a broomstick)
- Pros and cons of 7 common dispatch methods so you can find the one that works best for you, even if you are disabled.
- How to set up a butcher station in your house, yard, or garage for fast, easy processing.
- Step-by-step videos that walk you through humane dispatch and cleaning a rabbit.
- Our fail-safe formula for tender meat every time. Butcher at any age. Even old bucks cook up nice and tender.
- Proper meat handling techniques, to ensure your homegrown meat is safe for your family to eat.
- Overcome butchering anxiety. Special section that will help you move past fears and emotional roadblocks.
- Learn to use all the parts of a rabbit, so nothing goes to waste.
- Helpful tips:
– How to keep fur from sticking to the meat
– How to inspect organs for rabbit health
– How to feed nutrient-dense organs to your picky family
– How to save pelts for tanning
Meat Rabbit Processing Course Curriculum
- Why meat rabbits?
- Humane dispatch methods
- Butcher station set-up
- Dispatching a rabbit
- Cleaning a rabbit: step-by-step videos
- Proper handling and storage of meat
- Using all of the parts
- Saving the pelt
- Meat rabbit laws
- And lots more…

I have taught this comprehensive course to dozens of people just like you at our on-farm processing workshops. Here are some of their comments…

Look how confident these students are after taking this course. As complete beginners, they each dispatched and cleaned their own rabbit to take home.
I am so excited be able to offer an online version of this valuable course to backyard homesteaders everywhere!
You’re moments away from getting your hands on the most complete rabbit processing course ever created.
Here’s what you are going to get…

The Complete Meat Rabbit Processing Course
Everything you need to know to harvest and clean a meat rabbit for human consumption. High-quality videos allow you to look over my shoulder as I explain every step of the process. ($59 Value)

Cleaning a Rabbit: Printable Butchering Reference Sheet
Done-for-you outline of the 10 steps to clean a rabbit. Print this sheet and slip into a page protector for easy reference on butcher day. ($7 Value)

30-Day Money Back Guarantee
I know that you are going to love this comprehensive butchering course, but if you are not satisfied for any reason, just contact us within 30 days and we will refund every penny.
Order Today & Get Two Free Gifts!
Order our Meat Rabbit Processing Course today, and we’ll include two bonuses at no additional cost.

Cooking Rabbit 101
Cooking Rabbit Meat 101 outlines various cooking methods to turn your home-grown rabbit meat into savory meals. ($20 value)

How to Cut up a Rabbit Fryer
This video shows you how to cut a whole rabbit into parts for frying, grilling, or baking. ($9 value)
After taking this course, butchering a rabbit will no longer be a mystery. You will be armed with the knowledge you need to move forward. You will feel excited and empowered with your new-found ability to feed yourself and your family.
Let me show you how simple it is to bring homegrown, healthy meat to your table. I will be with you every step of the way. You can do this!
Get our Meat Rabbit Processing Course Bundle for just $25 today!

100% Money Back Guarantee!
I guarantee that you will be taught everything you need to know to humanely harvest a rabbit. If you are not 100% satisfied for any reason, just contact me within 30 days and I will refund your entire investment.